Message from the President社長メッセージ

In response to a changing world, we will continually seek new paths forward with our core values, beliefs, and philosophy that have shaped us over 55 years.

変わりゆく世界で、 55年間私達を支えてきたコアバリュー、信念、哲学を持って、常に成長への新しい道を模索しています。



ウィルソン・ラーニング ワールドワイドの強みの一つは、55年以上にわたって組織を形作ってきたコア・バリュー、信念、そして哲学を損なうことなく保ち続けてきたことです。同時に、世界情勢やお客様の要望の変化に対応し、常に新たな道を模索しています。今日、新型コロナウイルス感染症の世界的流行によって、何もかもが変わってしまったように感じられますが、実は全く変化していないものがあります。


これまで当社では世界最高水準のコンテンツを提供する方法として、インストラクターによる対面式の研修を行ってきました。しかし、昨年度はインストラクターによるオンラインでの研修に対応したコンテンツの作成や学習管理プラットフォーム(LXP: Learning Experience Platform)の活用に膨大な時間とリソースを費やしました。感染症の世界的流行という現状を乗り超えるために行ってきたことは、事態が収束した後も役に立つでしょう。


We are a learning services company providing organizations unmatched configurable learning services and a systemic approach to improve performance through people.  Our powerful approach brings about the performance change our customers need to create and sustain a competitive advantage for their organization. 

One of the strengths of Wilson Learning Worldwide is our ability to continue to hold on to, and never stray from the core values, beliefs and philosophies that have shaped our organization for over 55 years.  At the same time, we are continually seeking new paths forward in response to a changing world and changing customer expectations.  In today’s challenging pandemic environment, it feels like everything has changed, and yet in some ways nothing has changed.

What hasn’t changed is still the fundamental challenge our customers face of how to improve the performance of their workforce.  As we go forward in 2021, we will continue to leverage our extensive, research-based intellectual property, both locally and globally combined with our systems and technologies that enable consistency.  We will continue to align our implementation approach with our customer’s business strategy, maximizing customized content and flexible implementation.  We have been, and will continue to extend the learning process to ensure improved performance producing measurable business results.

Historically our primary way to deliver our world-class content was through face-to face instructor led training.  This past fiscal year has seen us devote a tremendous amount of time and resources to adapting our content to virtual instructor led sessions, and learning delivered via a learning experience platform (LXP).  Everything we have been doing to help us through the current conditions of the pandemic will serve us when we emerge from the current conditions.

We will go forward in the context of opportunity and growth.  Our focus will not be just on what we need to do to change to survive in the current environment, but on how good we can get in the future.

April 2021
Tom Roth
President & COO